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Technology that unites

For more than 15 years, Campfire has provided digital experiences that “just work” to some of Australia’s largest public and private enterprise organisations.


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Tourism Western Australia

A great example of how a smart application of user experience principles can be a primary driver in overcoming many of the barriers to entry that many potential visitors to Western Australia face when considering a visit.

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Premier’s Reading Challenge
Digital experience can complement in-real-life (IRL) campaign efforts. IT reinforces positive behavioural change. This Reading Challenge project is a prime example of this, as it involves tracking and encouraging children to develop better reading habits, demonstrating a real purpose in our work.

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Western Australia Department of Education
A key strength of working with Campfire is our ability to partner well with others. This case study is a testament to our incredibly fruitful partnership in the Lift Alliance, which delivers world-class technology solutions to the WA Department of Education. It is proof that the old saying still holds true: “We are most definitely stronger together.”


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